Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Year Anniversary

This says it all for us. Only God's hands were on Mick to delivery him back to us.

It has been one year. One very long year. We have been to the depths and back to the mountain tops. Mick has made such great progress. He will never be 100% with 25% of his left temporal lobe missing but we accept what God has given us. He is happy; I am happy; and we know that God is smiling down on us.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear of the progress and that you still can enjoy life together. God is good!


Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

Just checking in. Haven't had much time lately to do that with the house, the market, and all. Thanks for checking on the house blog and leaving a message. It's always good to hear from someone to make sure anybody is out there.

Will probably see you when we hook up for Mick to come to the sawp meet.

Take care,
